ساختارها (کمیسیون، کمیته، شورا، کارگروه)
Total: 16
Social Security Committee
Mission: Amending instructions in circulars, complying with the law, member complaints

Customs and Taxation Committee
Mission: Modifying procedures, facilitating affairs, members' complaints, legislative work

Media And Information Committee
Mission: Publishing news, community media, communication with radio and television, reporting to members

Chamber Of Commerce Committee
Mission: Meetings of representatives, seeking help, commissions, factions, organizations

Knowledge Base Committee
Mission: Knowledge-based membership, obtaining services and facilities, and communication with the Vice-Chancellor of Technology and the Development Fund

Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, Power Committee
Mission: Meetings of the Ministry of Oil, reviewing plans, following up on members' problems

Industry and Mining Committee
Mission: Projects and plans of industry and mining, Idro and Imidro, steel, copper and minerals

Training and Human Resources
Mission: Training of members, human resources, facilities, supply and maintenance of human resources

Banks and Financial and Credit Institutions Committee
Mission: Member facilities, credit transactions

Internal Construction Inquiry Committee(Inquiry system)
Mission: Responding to interior design inquiries

Working Group on Removing Barriers to Production and Industry
Mission: Addressing general industry obstacles and problems