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About Us

Starting and developing the construction of industrial equipment is one of the positive effects of self-confidence and dedication to economic development and ending industrial dependence. With the growth and prosperity of this industry, which led to the diminution of the role of foreign options in the projects of the country, it prompted the managers and owners of this sector of the industry to form an association or syndicate active in this field based on their own opinion. put Therefore, in this regard, in the meeting dated 09/28/1377, which was held in the Ministry of Industries and in the presence of the honorable Deputy Minister of Industry, a group of industry experts and managers was formed, the establishment of this association was agreed upon by all and on 06/01/1378 Setsa Association was registered under number 136 in the Chamber of Commerce of Industries, Mines and Agriculture of Iran.

  • visits: 183
  • 4.5/5.0
  • Published: 2024-05-18
  • Updated: 2024-05-19
  • Read Time: 10 Minutes