The presence of satsaAssociation members in the international exhibition of mining, mining industries, mining machinery and equipment, road construction and related industries

Satsa Multimedia Gallery

The presence of satsaAssociation members in the international exhibition of mining, mining industries, mining machinery and equipment, road construction and related industries

  • Published: 2024-11-25
  • Updated: 2024-11-25
  • Read Time: 10 Minutes
  • Comments
  • 4.5/5
  • visits: 234

This exhibition will be held from December 3 to 6

ستصا - The presence of satsaAssociation members in the international exhibition of mining, mining industries, mining machinery and equipment, road construction and related industries

Introducing the capabilities of domestic manufacturers of mining equipment and machinery, creating a suitable platform for the development of the export of mineral products, improving the level of technical knowledge of mining industry activists, expanding scientific and research cooperation between universities and mining industries, supporting domestic production and reducing dependence on imports from Among the main goals of holding this event have been mentioned.