AKA (Alyaf Kaolin Aras)

Membership Code: 255 Membership (Active) Member of SATSA Since: 2023 Jul 09

Company Introduction

Alyaf Kaolin Aras (Private Equity)
Activity Type: Manufacturer

The largest producer of ceramic fiber insulation in the form of blankets, boards and bulk in Iran, using the European production line and the highest technology in the world.

Field of Activity :

Manufacturer of refractory ceramic fiber insulation in the form of blankets, boards, modules and bulk fibers

Contact Info

Head Office

Province/City: Tehran / Tehran
Address: 5th floor, No. 4, West 14th Street, Beyhaghi St., Argentina Square, Tehran
Zip Code: 1514755916
Tel: (+9821) 88502189 88540877
Fax: (+9821) 88502189

Province/City: Eastern Azarbaijan / Jolfa
Address: East Azarbaijan - Aras Azad Zone - Heavy Industry Site - Khoi Ivaoghli Road - New 35-Meter Corner
Zip Code: 1513914614
Tel: (+9841) 4151282101
Fax: (+9841) 4151282101
اطلاعات تماس الکترونیکی