
Tashfa (Towsee Shabakehaye Fooladi Asia)

Membership Code: 202 Membership (Active) Member of SATSA Since: 2020 Jun 22

Company Introduction

Towsee Shabakehaye Fooladi Asia (Private Equity)
Activity Type: Manufacturer

Since the establishment of the Asian Steel Network Development Company (Teshfa) in 2008, the company has been known for its presence in large projects in the country. This company, with an area of ​​14,000 square meters and a workshop space of more than 7,000 square meters and 70 active and experienced workers, is moving towards innovation and job creation in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this regard, by using modern technologies in the production of gratings using resistance welding, handmade and zigzag methods, as well as metal mesh networks using tensile methods, as opposed to old techniques and welded mesh production, as well as the production of handrails, ladders, etc., it has become known as a leading manufacturer and hopes to provide the necessary services to dear Iran in this regard.

Field of Activity :

1.All Types of Steel Grating Including Elewtroforged Steel Grating 2.Expandedmetal Mesh Thichness 0.45mm - 5 mm 3.Wiremesh Wirediameter 1mm - 6mm 4.Handrail & Ladder

Contact Info

Head Office

Province/City: Tehran / Tehran
Address: Tehran- Argentina Square- Shahid Ahmad Qosir St.- Shahid Behzad Shafaq St. (Alley 17)- Nakhel Building- No. 8- Unit 7
Zip Code: 1513834819
Tel: (+9821) 88551081 88552924
Fax: (+9821) 88100976

Province/City: Esfahan / Kashan
Address: Kashan, The Old Road Of Natanz, Amir Kabir Industrial Town, Laleh 3.
Zip Code: 8735177177
Tel: (+9831) 03155503670-5
Fax: (+9831) 3155503305
