Inquire from SATSA (International)

Inquire Applicant
Company Title: *
Field of Activity:
CEO: *
Company Email: *
Country: *
Company Tel: *
Address: *
Contact Person's Name: *
Contact Person's Position: *
Contact Person's Email: *
Equipment Specifications and Attachments
Equipment Title*
Technical Specifications*
Equipment Description*
Product/Services Group: * (Choose a maximum of 3 items)
While studying and accepting Rules and regulations for registration of inquiries ، I confirm the correctness of the entered information and attached files, and in case of any discrepancy or inclusion of incorrect information, I fully accept the responsibility for it. *


در صورتی که متقاضی درخواست «استعلام ساخت داخل» (دارای نامه معرفی از وزارت صمت) هستید، بر اساس توضیحات و راهنمایی های این صفحه اقدام فرمایید.

Inquire (Domestic)

Inquire Registration Follow Up

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